On Top of the World
I am on top of Mount Everest,
I can feel the frigid winds brushing against my skin.
I am panting from a long hike up world's largest mountain.
I spent days climbing and suffered injuries and coldness.
Now I am up here,
I feel on top of the world.
Aren't We Thankful to See Color?
Author's Note: This poem is inspired by the Giver because they can't see color. All they see is black and white. I wanted to show a colorful poem to see how much we have and how fortunate we are to be able to see colors.
Red roses
Orange citrus fruit
Yellow rays of sunshine
Green fresh cut grass
Blue waves in the sea
Purple wispy skies
Pink fluffy cotton candy
Author's Note: This is what I felt and saw when I looked out my window before I got on the bus this morning.
Patchy fog covered the ground
The sun shown behind the clouds
Grass is wet from the morning dew
The air feels muggy and cool
And that was on my way to school
Author's Note: I used Stream of Consciousness to make this poem on a river.
Narrow and cool
Moving rapidly
Splashing at turns
Murky, dark waters
Rushing down for miles
and ends up in the Gulf
Author's Note: Christmas is coming up and I just felt like writing a list poem on "Christmas is the time when..."
Christmas is the time when...
The light snow falls,
Colorful lights twinkle,
Frigid wind brushes against my skin,
Sound of cheering and singing,
Receiving and opening presents,
Giving is more important,
The warm feel of family around you,
The comforting smell of Mom's homemade food,
Sledding and playing outside with family,
Church bells ringing,
Sitting next to the fire place,
Sipping a steaming cup of hot chocolate,
People are laughing, loving, and smiling,
Santa already came,
Snowmen making and snowball fights,
A happy time to be with everyone you love,
Merry Christmas
Author's Note: I was inspired by my report on the sun, to do a poem on the universe. I wanted it to be creative and use Stream of Consciousness.

I see myself zooming through space,
Planets are revolving,
Millions of stars are shining,
Asteroids and comets are flying by,
Moons are dented with craters,
Galaxies are sparkling far off in the distance,
But you can't stay forever because,
There is no air
Author's Note: I felt like doing a small and fun poem today so I chose to do an acrostic poem. I was inspired when I looked outside today. I hope that you like it.
Windy and white
Icky, slushy weather
Nights seem to begin at four
Twenty-first of December
Everybody plays in the snow
Ready to go, all bundled and warm
Author's Note: I am using the five senses (feel, taste, smell, see, hear) to describe summer for me. I know that it might be odd to write about summer in mid-winter, but I just wanted to write something that can make you feel warm in this frigid weather.
The green grass tickling my feet as I run through
A delicious frozen treat dripping down my hand
The fresh nature scent surrounding me
I see the smiles on people's faces
And I hear the ice cream truck coming closer
A boiling, bright sun bringing warmth to my skin
Juicy fruit so good I am gobbling down
The smell of fresh cut grass
I can see the birds flying so high
And hear the waves crashing down near by
Summer fun will soon be the past,
Make the best of it as if it's your last
Author's Note: I felt like writing this poem dedicated everyone. I see that a lot of you like my warm, summer poems in the winter. I am making a free verse poem and I am trying to be as descriptive as possible.
Squishing sand though my toes
Riding the vigorous waves
Making castles atop the golden sand
Having a picnic in the grass
Sun beating down from miles above
Playing in the refreshing waters
Climbing rocks and jumping off
Spending time with family and friends
Taking a sunset walk on the shore
You wish this day will never end
But then it's time to go
You will see the joyful beaches again someday
It will stay in your memory forever
Author's Note: I am using the stream of consciousness and I am picturing myself skiing down a hill. I am also working a descriptiveness and vocabulary. This is somewhat based off of my first time skiing.
At the top I get ready to go
I begin to descend downward
The wind is blowing against my face
A chill is going down my back
I swerve from side to side
Excitement fills the air
I end a the foot of the hill
And it only took a few seconds
Skiing is so fun
So I go up the tow rope again
Author's Note: This is based off of a quote that I read. "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." ~Albert Einstein
Some may think mistakes are bad,
Others say it's good,
When you do something wrong,
Then give up on it,
It will hurt you,
When you do something wrong,
And then learn from you mistake,
Everything will be fine,
Just remember to never give up,
Even if a mistake gets in your way,
Stay positive,
Never look back,
Don't be scared,
Keep going on forward
Author's Note: When I wrote this poem, I was in a peaceful yet tired mood. I just felt like writing a small poem about sleeping. I am trying to be descriptive throughout the poem.
I imagine myself slowly rocking to sleep
A pillow as fluffy as a cloud holds my head
Bundles of comfy blankets surrounding me
The relaxing sound of silence or maybe some music
Feeling of being free and thinking of nothing
After a long day of learning and activities
I lay in bed, goodnight
Author's Note: Today a huge snow storm started, so I decided to write about it in a short, quick, descriptive poem.
Winds are picking up
Snow is swirling around
The sky is as white as ever
Temperatures drop so frigid
Icicles freezing to gutters
Author's Note: In The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan, Leo was claimed immediately as he came into Camp Half-Blood. His dad is Hephaestus the Greek god of fire, crafts, and blacksmiths. He has lost many things in fires that he made on accident. One was his own mother. This is describing what has happened in the book so far.
Putting his palm out
Fire dances across
Burning things into ashes
And sorry for everything gone
Pockets filled with junk
Building random contraptions and toys
Where ever he goes
Keeping his hands busy
He walks into a camp
A glowing symbol above his head
Trying to get rid of it
He's the son of Hephaestus
He can burn and build
Create and destroy
He is not normal
He is a demigod
The light snow falls,
Colorful lights twinkle,
Frigid wind brushes against my skin,

Receiving and opening presents,
Giving is more important,
The warm feel of family around you,
The comforting smell of Mom's homemade food,
Sledding and playing outside with family,
Church bells ringing,
Sitting next to the fire place,
Sipping a steaming cup of hot chocolate,
People are laughing, loving, and smiling,
Santa already came,
Snowmen making and snowball fights,
A happy time to be with everyone you love,
Merry Christmas
Traveling the Universe
Author's Note: I was inspired by my report on the sun, to do a poem on the universe. I wanted it to be creative and use Stream of Consciousness.

I see myself zooming through space,
Planets are revolving,
Millions of stars are shining,
Asteroids and comets are flying by,
Moons are dented with craters,
Galaxies are sparkling far off in the distance,
But you can't stay forever because,
There is no air

Windy and white
Icky, slushy weather
Nights seem to begin at four
Twenty-first of December
Everybody plays in the snow
Ready to go, all bundled and warm

A delicious frozen treat dripping down my hand
The fresh nature scent surrounding me
I see the smiles on people's faces
And I hear the ice cream truck coming closer
A boiling, bright sun bringing warmth to my skin
Juicy fruit so good I am gobbling down
The smell of fresh cut grass
I can see the birds flying so high
And hear the waves crashing down near by
Summer fun will soon be the past,
Make the best of it as if it's your last
A Day at the Beach

Riding the vigorous waves
Making castles atop the golden sand
Having a picnic in the grass
Sun beating down from miles above
Playing in the refreshing waters
Climbing rocks and jumping off
Spending time with family and friends
Taking a sunset walk on the shore
You wish this day will never end
But then it's time to go
You will see the joyful beaches again someday
It will stay in your memory forever
Author's Note: I am using the stream of consciousness and I am picturing myself skiing down a hill. I am also working a descriptiveness and vocabulary. This is somewhat based off of my first time skiing.
At the top I get ready to go
I begin to descend downward
The wind is blowing against my face
A chill is going down my back
I swerve from side to side
Excitement fills the air
I end a the foot of the hill
And it only took a few seconds
Skiing is so fun
So I go up the tow rope again
Never Let a Little Mistake Hold You Back
Author's Note: This is based off of a quote that I read. "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." ~Albert Einstein
Some may think mistakes are bad,
Others say it's good,
When you do something wrong,
Then give up on it,
It will hurt you,
When you do something wrong,
And then learn from you mistake,
Everything will be fine,
Just remember to never give up,
Even if a mistake gets in your way,
Stay positive,
Never look back,
Don't be scared,
Keep going on forward
Author's Note: When I wrote this poem, I was in a peaceful yet tired mood. I just felt like writing a small poem about sleeping. I am trying to be descriptive throughout the poem.
I imagine myself slowly rocking to sleep
A pillow as fluffy as a cloud holds my head
Bundles of comfy blankets surrounding me
The relaxing sound of silence or maybe some music
Feeling of being free and thinking of nothing
After a long day of learning and activities
I lay in bed, goodnight
Author's Note: Today a huge snow storm started, so I decided to write about it in a short, quick, descriptive poem.
Winds are picking up
Snow is swirling around
The sky is as white as ever
Temperatures drop so frigid
Icicles freezing to gutters
Putting his palm out
Fire dances across
Burning things into ashes
And sorry for everything gone
Pockets filled with junk
Building random contraptions and toys
Where ever he goes
Keeping his hands busy
He walks into a camp
A glowing symbol above his head
Trying to get rid of it
He's the son of Hephaestus
He can burn and build
Create and destroy
He is not normal
He is a demigod
Spring is Soon to Come
The sun peaking out giving warm rays
Rain falling down the window pane
Humidity climbing up
The temperature rising from zero to forty
Animals peaking outFlower buds blooming
Grass becoming green and lush
Leaves popping back up on branches
Author's Note: This is a stream of consciousness turned into a poem that I wrote. I'm trying to be as descriptive and smooth as possible through the poem. I placed myself in a forest where I just lay there. Then I describe the wonderful scenery.
Lying down on the ground
Looking up at a canopy of leaves
Rays of sun squeeze though
Birds chirps so peacefully
Animals trot and fly around
The sky bluer than sea
Patches of green grass grow
Soothing winds brush my skin
Sprinkles of mist descend down
Thinking about everything so great
Soon the sun will set completely
So I must go
One last glance
Then I walk out to the open

The glowing stars and moon fades away
Dark blue and clouds swirl overhead
Six in the morning
Sun rises above the horizon
Wispy clouds fill the sky
Above the clouds a colorful scene
Birds chirp peacefully
The sun getting higher
Light blue skies coming over
The warm sun shining down from above
Author's Note: I wrote a stream of consciousness and then turned it into a poem. This was a memory that I had from school on St. Patrick's Day when I was little.
Back to the time in kindergarten
It was Saint Patrick's Day
You wore green shirts and socks
As you arrived to school
Saw a large green mob
Day started normal
Walked into class
Shaving cream pictures on mirrors
Notes left around
Toilet paper thrown everywhere
Desks, books, chairs flipped over
"Who did this?"
Recess, we scavenge to find
Little clues here, there
"I saw something move!"
Found hats, found shoes, found signs
But no real leprechauns
Going home
Tomorrow will be another day
Go green today
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Peace in the Forest
Author's Note: This is a stream of consciousness turned into a poem that I wrote. I'm trying to be as descriptive and smooth as possible through the poem. I placed myself in a forest where I just lay there. Then I describe the wonderful scenery.
Lying down on the ground
Looking up at a canopy of leaves

Birds chirps so peacefully
Animals trot and fly around
The sky bluer than sea
Patches of green grass grow
Soothing winds brush my skin
Sprinkles of mist descend down
Thinking about everything so great
Soon the sun will set completely
So I must go
One last glance
Then I walk out to the open
Author's Note: This is an open poem on the sunrise. I am working on not adding in be-verbs. This is just a fun poem and I'm trying to be descriptive as usual.
The glowing stars and moon fades away
Dark blue and clouds swirl overhead
Six in the morning
Sun rises above the horizon
Wispy clouds fill the sky
Above the clouds a colorful scene
Birds chirp peacefully
The sun getting higher
Light blue skies coming over
The warm sun shining down from above
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Author's Note: I wrote a stream of consciousness and then turned it into a poem. This was a memory that I had from school on St. Patrick's Day when I was little.
Back to the time in kindergarten
It was Saint Patrick's Day
You wore green shirts and socks

Saw a large green mob
Day started normal
Walked into class
Shaving cream pictures on mirrors
Notes left around
Toilet paper thrown everywhere
Desks, books, chairs flipped over
"Who did this?"
Recess, we scavenge to find
Little clues here, there
"I saw something move!"
Found hats, found shoes, found signs
But no real leprechauns
Going home
Tomorrow will be another day
Go green today
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
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