Friday, December 10, 2010

Room Redo: Furniture

Yesterday, we weren't allowed to go into the Academy 21 classroom due to our furniture coming in.  Today, everyone got their own desk and cubical to work in.  We have the choice to design it and make it comfortable for us to work in.  Some people have already moved in... a lot.  In my opinion, it looks great so far.  I can't wait to see how everything looks when  this entire project is completely done!


  1. I agree. There is a big difference, and we have ourselves to thank for the design. You did a lot of great work to make this happen.

  2. Way to stay positive Mai! I think it was a GREAT idea to write about the good thoughts in your head, hoping to spread them to those who don't see the room the same way.

  3. I like how your writing about the room redo. I think that's an excellent topic to write about.
